Math Curriculum

Math Introduction:
We aim to stay ahead of the curve in all aspect of student development, however in the math department we take things a step further. With rigorous course standards and an accelerated curriculum, our students start one step ahead of the rest and there are no limits to how far ahead they will finish.
Middle School grade levels follow Math in Focus which is the U.S edition of the Singapore’s top-ranking math program. It follows the pedagogical framework that includes emphasizing concept mastery, a concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract approach, metacognitive reasoning, and the use of model drawing to solve and justify problems.

Elementary Standards

Grade 1 – Grade 5
We use Marshall-Cavendish math curriculum, using Singapore methods and Common Core standards. Students begin the 1A textbook in English Track Kindergarten and remain accelerated one semester throughout elementary school, by middle school our average students exceed 80% of American students on standardized exams.

Middle School Standards

Grades 6 & 7
Math in Focus is a mastery program aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that blends the following notions to promote student success:
•   A focused and coherent syllabus: Math in Focus introduces fewer topics in each grade, but teaches them to greater depth. Topics are taught to mastery, so they build from year to year across grade levels without repetition.
•   A visual and balanced approach: Math in Focus is highly visual, following a concrete-to-pictorial-to-abstract progression.
•   A focus on numbers and operations: Math in Focus is sequenced in a way that ensures students develop and maintain strong number sense.
•   An emphasis on problem solving using model-drawing: Math in Focus utilizes model-drawing strategies that help students solve both routine and non-routine problems.
•   A recognition of the importance of attitudes and metacognition: The Math in Focus framework emphasizes the importance of attitude and the ability to self-monitor while problem solving to achieve success in math. It provides students with the tools they need to break down complex concepts and problems, which in turn develops positive attitudes.

The content for course 1 includes (6th grade)
-Positive Numbers and Number Line, Negative Numbers and the Number Line
-Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Decimals, Ratio, Rates, Percent
-Algebraic Expressions, Equations and Inequalities, The coordinate Plane, Area of Polygons, Circumference and Area of a Circle
-Surface Area and Volume of Solids, Introduction to Statistics, and Measures of Central Tendency

The content for course 2 includes(7th grade)
The Real Number System, Rational Number Operations, Algebraic Expressions, Algebraic Equations and Inequalities
-Direct and Inverse Proportion, Angle Properties and Straight Lines, Geometric Construction, Volume and Surface Area of Solids
-Statistics, and Probability

Learning Outcomes
-Students will apply bar modelling methodologies to organize key information and solve word problems.
-Students will explore basic geometric shapes/figures and their respective properties.
-Students will develop a deeper understanding of computing with fractions, percentages, and ratios.-Students will write, solve, and graph basic algebraic equations and develop arithmetical skills
-Students will explore, construct, and apply geometric properties to their respective shape and/or solid.
-Students will collect, analyze, and interpret real-world measurements using statistics and probability.

Grade 8
This is a first year algebra course in which you will learn to reason symbolically. The key content involves writing, solving, and graphing linear and quadratic equations, including systems of two linear equations in two unknowns. Quadratic equations are solved by factoring, completing the square, graphically, or by application of the quadratic formula. The course also includes study of monomial and polynomial expressions, inequalities, exponents, functions, rational expressions, ratio, and proportion. Algebraic skills are applied in a wide variety of problem-solving situations.

Course Academic Goals
In this course, you will know and be able to:
-Interpret the meaning of variables and variable expressions
-Solve linear equations (including proportions) in one variable
-Apply the concept of absolute value to simple equations
-Graph a linear function by plotting points, using intercepts, and using the slope and y- intercept
-Sketch the region defined by a linear inequality
-Derive the equation of a line when given a variety of parameters for that line
-Solve inequalities in one variable (including those with absolute value)
-Solve systems of linear equations by graphing, using substitution, and using elimination
-Solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing
-Solve quadratic equations by graphing, finding square roots, using the quadratic formula, and   factoring
-Simplify and perform arithmetic operations on and with rational expressions
-Solve rational equations
-Solve application problems using the above techniques

Learning Outcomes
-Students will learn to solve, graph, and write linear equations, systems, inequalities, and quadratic equations.
-Students will collect real-world data/measurements and apply mathematical concepts to hypothetical and real situations.

High School Standards

Grade 9
This course is designed to emphasize the study of the properties and applications of common geometric figures in two and three dimensions.  It includes the study of transformations and right triangle trigonometry.  Inductive and deductive thinking skills are used in problem solving situations, and applications to the real world are stressed.  It also emphasizes writing proofs to solve (prove) properties of geometric figures.  Students who complete Geometry should take Algebra II next.

Course Learning Goals
The goals for mathematics are to enable students to:
-Develop a positive attitude toward the continued learning of mathematics
-Appreciate the usefulness, power and beauty of mathematics, and recognize its relationship with other disciplines and with everyday life
-Appreciate the international dimensions of mathematics and its varied cultural and historical perspectives
-Gain knowledge and develop understanding of mathematical concepts
-Develop mathematical skills and apply them
-Develop the ability to communicate mathematics with appropriate symbols and language
-Develop the ability to reflect upon and evaluate the significance of their work and the work of others
-Develop patience and persistence when solving problems
-Develop and apply information and communication technology skills in the study of mathematics.

Learning Outcomes
-Students will use and apply the tools of geometry to model and solve real-world and hypothetical problems.
-Students will apply postulates, corollaries, and key concepts to reason and prove theorems in multiple formats.
-Students will construct advanced geometric shapes and figures based on their respective properties.

Algebra I (Grade 9 & 10)
Algebra 1 is typically the first high school math course. It will guide students through expressions, systems of equations, functions, real numbers, inequalities, exponents, polynomials, radical and rational expressions.

Geometry (Grades 9, 10, 11)
Geometry is usually the second math course in high school and will guide students through points, lines, planes, angles, parallel lines, triangles, similarity, trigonometry, quadrilaterals, transformations, circles, and area.

Algebra II and Trigonometry (Grades 10 & 11)
Algebra 2 is the third math course in a typical high school sequence and will guide students through logarithmic expressions, sequences and series, probability, and trigonometry, a specialized branch of mathematics that deals mainly with the properties of triangles and the relationships between its parts.

Pre-Calculus (Grade 11)
This course is designed to cover topics in Algebra ranging from polynomial, rational, and exponential functions to conic sections.  Trigonometry concepts such as the Law of Sines and Cosines will be introduced.  Students will then begin analytic geometry and calculus concepts such as limits, derivatives, and integrals.  This class is important for any student planning to take a college algebra or college pre-calculus class.