MS Journalism: To Do or Not to Do - Staying Safe During Coronavirus
Posted: 04/06/2020
By: Aileen Guan, Susan Hu, and Cindie Li

You are walking down the street, but something is wrong. You are the only person on the street. You don’t understand. The sky is a perfect shade of blue, not a cloud in sight, and the air is perfectly cool. Suddenly, your phone buzzes and you peer at it. You read the news headline, swear loudly, and run as fast as you can back home, where you proceed to take a very long shower and throw the clothes you just wore into the trash can. Why? The novel coronavirus of course. I’ll resist typing a “Duh”. (Well, technically, I just did, but never mind.) So…yea, coronavirus!
Since January, COVID-19 has swept across the world, killing hundreds of thousands of people and bringing life as we know it to a standstill. But you have no reason to worry! Why? Because you are reading this! Without further ado, read on and learn how to protect yourself against the evil ONE VIRUS TO RULE THEM ALL! *Dramatic music* AKA COVID-19. And, sorry, no, this article won’t feature the Fellowship of the Coronavirus (or will it???). But we will have an exclusive interview with one of the courageous doctors trying to find a cure for the coronavirus! So, let’s take a look at the handy tips and advice we have collected from teachers, students, and professionals.
Tip #1: Scrub Scrub! AKA Wash Your Hands!
This may seem like a small act, but washing your hands and keeping your hands clean is extremely important. Elijah Yang from seventh grade commented that people should “wash their hands frequently and correctly.” Don’t know if you are washing your hands the correct way? Don’t fret; below are the 10 steps to washing your hands correctly and preventing the spread of germs.
- Wet hands
- Apply soap
- Wash your palms
- Scrub each finger and between fingers
- Rub back of hands
- Rub base of thumbs
- Scrub your nails on palms
- Wash wrists
- Wet hands again
- Rinse and dry hands with clean towel or tissue

Tip #2: Get away from me!!! AKA Avoid Crowded Places!
There is one thing we all know about the COVID-19 virus: it loves places packed with people. According to, COVID-19 has spread to more than 160 countries and territories since the outbreak started in central China late last year. To stop the spread of coronavirus, health and government officials recommend avoiding large gatherings and maintaining a distance of 6 feet from other people, also known as social distancing. This proves that this disease is very contagious, which means we have to be responsible and keep up social distancing. This reduces the chance of contact with those knowingly or unknowingly carrying the infection. Rebecca Li from eighth grade said, “I never thought that the biggest contribution I could make to my country is to stay at home.” Yes, we all certainly didn’t expect to serve our country by staying indoors, but with the pandemic situation, social distancing is the best way to control the spread of the virus. However, you might be thinking: how can I survive without going out? Well, here are a few things you can do to ensure yours and others’ safety while still being able to live your basic lifestyle.
- Delivery: Use this method to buy groceries or goods safely.
- Call or Text: Use online communication more often if you want to connect with other people.
- Wear Masks: If you have to go outside, wear a mask! This also brings us to our third tip…
Tip #3: Be a Superhero! AKA Wear a Mask!
Hey, now is your chance to embrace your inner superhero! Even though the N95 mask is far from Spiderman’s mask, we are still being a “friendly neighborhood Spiderman/woman” when we put on our N95s. Why is it important we wear these masks? It’s because the coronavirus can be spread through the air, and when we talk, cough, sneeze, or even breathe, we can spread and catch germs. Therefore, wearing a mask means protecting ourselves while defending against the coronavirus. However, try not to use the same mask more than once. What are you waiting for? Let’s get those masks on!

Tip #4: Exercising our Minds! AKA Mental Health
During a time like this, keeping our minds healthy and calm is an important part of our health plan. “Mental health is very important and often overlooked,” said Teacher Shaylin Chavez. If we have good mental health, we can then perform other activities such as physical exercises. So, what are some relaxing and fun activities you can try out to take care of your mental health?
- Try reading a book for fun or learning a new skill/hobby
- Meditate
- Listen to music
- Draw
Tip #5: Where’s the Yoga Mat? AKA Exercise!
During a pandemic, exercising is even more important than usual because it is one way to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Exercise improves our immune systems, and as Rebecca Li from eighth grade said, “If the immune system is weak, there’s a bigger chance of getting infected.” During lockdowns, it might seem harder to exercise and do sports, but we can always find ways to be physically healthy. Try out the ideas below (remember, wear a mask for the outdoor activities):
- (Indoor) Yoga
- (Outdoor) Bike around a park
- (Outdoor) Jog around your community
- (Indoor) Squats
- (Indoor) Push-ups
- (Indoor) Crunches
- (Indoor) Bicycle Crunches- You can exercise like you are riding a bike, but indoors! Learn how to complete this exercise here:
Tip #6: McDonalds? I’m NOT Lovin’ It! AKA Say No to Greasy Food!
We also need to know that a healthy diet is crucial during this pandemic. We interviewed a real life superhero named Dr. Xiao, who currently works at the Jun De Medical Center and studied at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The purpose of the interview was to get a clearer understanding of the scientific prevention of the virus, so get ready for some big words. “From the perspective of traditional Chinese epidemiology, we must keep the gastrointestinal tract working properly and smoothly,” said Dr. Xiao. “Therefore, try to avoid food with too much grease or fat, and maintain appropriate exercises. The most powerful prevention is keeping our immune system strong.” So, our advice? Say goodbye to fast food, and say hello to nutritious, low-fat meals with lots of vegetables.

Now, after all the tips and information we have provided, we just want to remind people that all acts of prevention start with the right mindset. We need to understand that we are dealing with a pandemic, and everyone worldwide has to change his or her lifestyle. So, we should stay alert and responsible while keeping a positive mindset.
As you finish reading this article, you breathe a sigh of relief. You are now equipped to join the Fellowship of the Coronavirus (coming soon to a theater near you)! Without this article, you might still be eating Big Macs while hugging people in the supermarket. But from now on, you decide to be a knowledgeable survivor, fighting the zombie – I mean coronavirus – scourge. Additionally, you strengthen your resolve to share this article with all your family and friends so they too can stay healthy and join the Fellowship of the Coronavirus.